Wait a Lonely Lifetime – Paperback

Wait a Lonely Lifetime is now available in paperback from Montlake.  You can take a peek inside and read the first review. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area in October, save this date: 

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Wait a Lonely Lifetime: Second Chance to Read an Excerpt

As part of my Virtual Launch of Wait a Lonely Lifetime published by Avalon Books and now available on several online bookshops, Sandra Carey Cody posted an excerpt from the first chapter of the novel on her website: SandraCareyCody. Use the following link and click on the Guest Excerpt tab. Sandra Carey Cody is one of […]

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Wait a Lonely Lifetime: Read an Excerpt

As part of my Virtual Launch of Wait a Lonely Lifetime published by Avalon Books and now available on several online bookshops, Sandra Carey Cody has posted an excerpt from the first chapter of the novel on her website: SandraCareyCody. Use the following link and click on the Guest Excerpt tab. Sandra Carey Cody is one of my […]

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