Tribute to the Greatest Generation: Guest Writer: J.L. Salter

As my first guest writer, I’m very happy to present, J.L. Salter, who is writing today about one of my favorite topics: World War II. As an editor of two volumes of women’s autobiographies about their experiences during this devastating war, I became even more interested in this period of world history than when my […]

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I started this post in September of 2012 and the first words I wrote were “This will be hard.” Now I can’t actually remember why I thought writing about heroes would be hard. This being my 100th post, I can’t think of a better topic. I write in a genre that celebrates heroes as the […]

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Memoir of an Army Wife, 1941-1945

I’m proud to announce that my mother’s long awaited memoir of her experiences and journeys during World  War II is available at Smashwords, Amazon and Kobo. Soon on Barnes & Noble. My mother entrusted the stories in Following the Troops to me in 1991 while I was working on Parachutes and Petticoats. Although I was […]

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Parachutes & Petticoats Cited

Parachutes & Petticoats, my second book with Honno, is cited in Alex McAulay’s Shelter Me.  Pretty thrilling to be research material. McAulay used the collection of autobiographical writings by Welsh women and makes a reference to me and my co-editor, Deidre Beddoe. I stumbled across this when searching for my own titles. Nice feature this […]

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