Writing: The Pleasure & the Bane I

One day, and I have no distinct memory of when or where this happened, I decided I was going to be a writer. I had already gained a reputation in my family for “making up stories.” One of those “stories’ was actually true — there are foxes in Golden Gate Park (and coyotes by now). […]

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Pen, Paper, Journal (re-post from Avalon Authors) with Addendum

Desperately seeking a lost manuscript (remember those, handwritten in ink, possibly on lined paper?), I came across a stack of my journals from years in college, traveling, first years of courtship and marriage. These journals – the diaries of old – have been replaced by digital explosions of shared communication in forms of blogs, tweets, […]

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In Mourning

My heart is breaking for the American people of whom I am proud to be one. As our President and Foreign Secretary have stated, the United States of America stands for freedom. Those who are guilty of this shameful, horrific act know who they are and why they did it. The guilt lies at the […]

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Reasons for Writing

I don’t know where my dream of writing came from. It seemed always to be there, a part of me, like breathing. I’ve just read Andrew Galasetti’s article at selfpublishingteam.com and was moved to tears by his grandfather’s story. My mother was always telling stories from her life. One decade of her life is a […]

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A Long Time Coming

In honor and memory of all those who have given their lives in the cause of freedom, I wanted to say ‘Thank you’. My generation, and those generations before mine and too many of those now and in the future, have and will live through decades of war. Some of those wars were justified but […]

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Nine Eleven

11 September 2001: 1:45PM: On the road between Alltyblaca and Cribyn, just where the road curves and dips into a wooded glen, I am crying. For no reason. This has happened before and will happen a few years later, but today, I am overwhelmed with sorrow and desolation. When I reach my office at Theatr […]

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