Review: Twice A Target

Twice A Target
Twice A Target by Susan Vaughan

I started reading Twice a Target without realizing that I’d started at the end of this trilogy. That actually worked for me but I will go back to the beginning to read Never Surrender and Once Burned. I was attracted by the suspense premise of this novel as well as the location. The relationship between Holt, the former DEA agent, and Maddy, the so-called flighty former fiancée of Holt’s brother, is fraught with conflicts.

Vaughan’s descriptions of setting and action are masterful and the story has all the elements requisite for suspense and romance. The cast of characters adds depth and surprises. I think readers who love LEO* romances will enjoy this story.

Note: I don’t give stars or rate novels written by authors I have met or with whom I have a professional or personal acquaintance.

*LEO: law enforcement officer

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